Monday 29 October 2012

Halloween Costume idea.

As Halloween is this Wednesday I decided to make some budget Halloween costumes.

1. Dead Ballet Dancer.

Buy a Cabriole Ballet Dress from the ballet Volie range. Next use some Brave white face paint. Cover all the face.If you have Flamer eye-shadow from Transform you could use that as blood. Wear ballet shoes from Volie.

If you use this put a link in your comment to let me see it!

- TwiBeach out!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Amazing Stardoll StarDesign Hair Creations!

   Do you love to see the amazing creations of users on Stardoll? Well here are a few StarDesign Hair creations!

--I do not own these pictures, I got them from Google. Credit to whoever posted these pictures--

Store Review #3

Store: Barbie

The Barbie store has fashion from the fashionista [ don't know how to spell it ] dolls. Firstly , most of the clothes have pink on them and pink is NOT one of my favourite colours. They are six models in total with full outfits on. My favourite model's outfit is the second one to the middle on the right.  Really there is not much to say about it.

NEW Overview: Don't really like it so I rate it a 4/10 *-*

Friday 26 October 2012

Free Wings

                                                      1.Go to this site:
2.Paste this link in the blank box of the site:
3.Log in
4.Wait for the page to load
5. Leave and go to stardoll as you normally would

[this does actually work]

Holiday [Finleigh63]

Wednesday 24 October 2012



Holiday (Finleigh63)

My perhaps temporary banner. (Better than none?) What do you think of it?

and another one...

Attention Writers!

I have decided to make my main account FrancciNicole
So if you want, add me from there.

A New Make-up Store on Stardoll?

Stardoll has released a new Beauty Store: Transform.
What are your opinions on it?
Is it better or worse than Dot?
Do you think Stardoll could of done a better job?


We are all tired of hackers, scammers, cheaters, and all of the stuff! If you are a hacker.... STOP IT! If you are scammer.... STOP IT! If you cheat.... STOP IT! If you do anything else bad.... STOP IT! We don't like to be hacked, cheated, and scammed! How would you like for all of thoose things happent to you!? Well... we are tired of the hacker, sammer, and cheaters population on stardoll growing! I joined stardoll because I thought it was going to be safe and all the other good things! I admit it is fun but not safe! Hundreds or maybe even thousands of people lose their account everyday because we made the simplest mistake.... giving out your PASSWORD! DON'T DO THAT! We want stardoll to be safe! We want all of the hackers, scammers, and cheaters to be gone! If you see any people douing any of thoose things BLOCK THEM.... REPORT THEM! Even if your their friend! LET'S GET RID OF ALL OF THOOSE THINGS!


That's it.

I am really pissed off at the moment.
Idiots (Like Twi said) are STILL roaming stardoll.
And it is especially the goths, emos, scenes and metal-heads that are inflicting this onto the supposed-to-be safe enviroment called Stardoll.

They are swearing and calling people names.
And yanno the saying 'Curiosity Killed the Cat' I simply had to investigate this.
Out of one metal-head, I got this:
'We are the elite squad and we can do what we please without people interfering. Just back off!'
Elite squad? *Chokes on coffee* What!!???
Honestly, is that what those people are driven to think about themselves?
There should be no such thing as an Elite Squad.
Or come to it, The Stardoll Royalty Club.
In my opinion, it isn't fair to all of the people who maybe can't afford Royalty.
Anyway, back to the idiots part.
Okay, and Elite Squad?
Who do they think they are? The Rulers of Earth?
They need to GROW UP.
And fast.


We are in it together. I promise.

There is a glitch in Transform! You can 

get the 'Flamer All Over Shadow' for

 19 starcoins, basically for free. But HURRY! Before they fix it.

Become A Writer!

If you interested in becoming a writer then please fill out this form: 






 Why you'd like to be apart of the blog: 

What you'd like to do: 

Blogs you've written for:

 Thank you for reading MoonlightRoses x

November Hotbuys 2012!

November Hotbuys!

Do you like them? ~Louise (MoonlightRoses)

Bad Behavior.

This is not about stores. One thing is that just like Angelina , I have something to say about behavior.
A lot of emo's , goth's and just stupid people on chat swear a lot. I just think if your reading this and you know you do it , please stop. People as young as seven [ or even 5 as Angelina said again! ] play on this.
Just stop.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Stardoll Smokey eye makeup tutorial




Step 1 - Add both lengthening and volumising mascara to your medoll's eyes.

Step 2 - Go round the eye top half with black eyeliner, and the bottom inside with white eyeliner.

Step 3 - add white eye shadow on the inside of the eye going about 1cm up (looking at the photo) and black eyeshadow on the outer side of the eye, going up a bit more.

Step  - You could add some blusher round the cheek bones, some lipgloss around the lips, maybe a hair decoration... then stand back and admire your work!

- Holiday (Finleigh63) :)

Make-up Tutorial (Taylor Swift)

Hey girls! Well today I thought I should do a tutorial on Taylor Swift! She is a very famous country and pop singer. Some of you may of heard of her, some of you may not. Well here's the Tutorial!

This is the Picture.

1) Start with a fresh clean look

2) start putting on black eye kohl eyeliner on the tops of your eyes.

3) put on some sunset gold eye shadow underneath your eyes.

4) Put some white eyeliner on the sides of your eyes. Put on some shining eyeshadow do give you the spark!

5) put some pink and gold blush on your cheekbones (not to much!)
6) Add some clear lipgloss to your lips.

well thoose are the final results! :D have a great day! xoxo Helena

Online Dating

Mes Cher Amis,

It has occured to me silly idiots are still roaming Stardoll.
One thing has caught my attention.
Dating On Stardoll.
I mean, what?
Okay, you are on a website that also children as young as 5 play on.
I'm not saying it is a bad thing (But in my opinion, it's not proper)
I'm just saying could you tone down the love?
And that means (excuse my language) bloody virtual sex.
That is just childish.
The people you are carrying on with are just (Launguage!) bloody pixels!
Think about it.
Oh, and the website for this is:
It's a website to help stop the addiction to Stardoll.



Hey Stardollians! Today Stardoll created a Dress up by the name of ' BIANCA BALTI' Do you like the doll? Will you be dressing up this doll and save it into your album. I think a few of the clothing looks fine but the others aren't so good so I give this doll a  7.68/10

~Louise (MoonlightRoses)

Stardoll and Harrods

Stardoll and Harrods have now teamed up and are working together! To celebrate this, Stardoll have created a Harrods section of the StarPlaza exclusively for Harrods items/ shops. The shops in this sections are:



Junior Gaultier,

Rykiel Enfant

What do you think? Do you think that this is a good idea?

- Holiday (Finleigh63) ☆ 

Store Review #2

Store: Original Future

I see the store is going for a modern interior but it's not about the decor , it's about the fashion! Lots of neon clothes in the new range that's just come out , really that's why I reviewed it. I will never run out of stores! Anyway , where was I? Oh yes the new range! I see on the first page there is the Pink Puffball Shawl that's not really my style but I do like the Wild And Colorful Vest. Now let's go onto the old range. It has some nice tribal print tops and skirts that really go in with the style of tribal print in the real world. I would wear these any day if I had the money to buy them. The accessories of both ranges are lovely and stylish but I don't really buy bags but I do buy shoes! The two things that I would recommend [ that I already have bought ] are the Future Tribe Overalls and the Tribal Stencil Pencil Skirt.

Rating 9/10

                                                     - TwiBeach out! 

Native Look


For this post, I have decided to make a **MAKE-UP TUTORIAL**
Only there won't be any make-up.

No image chosen

I went for a 'Native African Look'
And I didn't use anything
Only the Tress-up hair!

It's a look easy to achieve.

Have a go yourself and tell me about them!
