Wednesday 24 October 2012


We are all tired of hackers, scammers, cheaters, and all of the stuff! If you are a hacker.... STOP IT! If you are scammer.... STOP IT! If you cheat.... STOP IT! If you do anything else bad.... STOP IT! We don't like to be hacked, cheated, and scammed! How would you like for all of thoose things happent to you!? Well... we are tired of the hacker, sammer, and cheaters population on stardoll growing! I joined stardoll because I thought it was going to be safe and all the other good things! I admit it is fun but not safe! Hundreds or maybe even thousands of people lose their account everyday because we made the simplest mistake.... giving out your PASSWORD! DON'T DO THAT! We want stardoll to be safe! We want all of the hackers, scammers, and cheaters to be gone! If you see any people douing any of thoose things BLOCK THEM.... REPORT THEM! Even if your their friend! LET'S GET RID OF ALL OF THOOSE THINGS!


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